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About me.

I’m Corey McCoy, a multipreneur who loves building micro-web businesses.


Several reasons actually:

  • It’s rewarding—There’s nothing quite like the rush of turning a random shower thought into cold, hard Stripe notifications.
  • I get more at-bats—The cost to go from idea to ship has NEVER been cheaper. As a multipreneur, I can take multiple swings until I get a hit.
  • It’s easier to grow my MRR—Forget trying to grow my MRR to $10k+ with one idea. My goal is to build 5, 10, even 20 micro-web businesses generating $500-$1k in MRR each.
  • “The riches are in the niches”—I can find a small underserved market, identify a problem or desire, build for a solution, and reach profitability much quicker.

So how’d I get here?

Back in late 2019, I decided to switch gears career-wise. The internet was booming, so I figured “Hey, why not learn how to build digital products?” It’s where the opportunity (and money) was flowing, according to Twitter 😆.

Fast forward to March 16, 2020, and suddenly I had lots of free time.

And since I refused to watch the “Tiger King”, I occupied my time learning about digital products, and creating a sort of idea-to-income system:

  1. How I’d find an idea worth pursuing
  2. Validate it without burning my cash
  3. Build it fast and cheap
  4. When to use code vs. no-code tools
  5. And shipping it into the wild to see what sticks

I began to notice that the people really killing it in the digital product space possessed a set of skills that separated them from everyone else.

– Copywriting (because apparently, products don’t sell themselves)

– Digital marketing (gotta get eyeballs on your creation somehow)

– Design (turns out, looks do matter in the digital world)

So I added these skills to my “to-learn” list.

Within a few weeks, I launched my first product, “Simpl QR Code”, a website for generating QR Codes, (remember this was 2020). And it actually got users.

It felt like I’d unlocked a superpower. The power to turn any problem or half-baked idea into a digital product people might actually use (and sometimes even pay for).

Now, I’m a one-person startup factory. Each product is a new experiment, a chance to learn, and hopefully add another stream of sweet, sweet MRR.

Want to see what I’m building in real-time? My Monthly Knowledge Download is a great place to start.

Also, check out my Github for the tech side of things.

P.S. I’m always down to connect with idea junkies for brainstorming, collaborating, and building cool $h!t.