Digital marketing for small businesses.

Are you running a small business and want to grow online but not sure how?

I help small businesses like yours stand out online, attract and convert more customers.

Curious to learn how? Book a quick 15 minute discovery call now.

James Thompson, Realtor

Corey’s approach to web design and SEO was exactly what our business needed. The site looks good, and ranks well on Google.

Corey McCoy is teh business owner's Digital Growth Partner.

Is your business invisible online? Want more quality website traffic?

You’re not alone. Many small businesses face the exact same marketing challenges everyday.

My specialty is in turning these challenges into growth opportunities. Let me create a digital marketing strategy for your business that gets measurable results.

Do any of these hurdles sound familiar?

It’s hard to stand out online?

With millions of websites fighting for attention, getting noticed by your target audience has never been more challenging

Low engagement on posts or articles?

Creating content that grabs attention and turns followers into website traffic is no small feat.

Website not converting

Driving traffic to your site is one thing, but turning visitor interest into action is another game entirely.

Online growth made simple.

Let me make it easy for you to get noticed, reach a larger audience, and boost your website traffic and conversions. Here’s how my plan helps grow your business online:

Be seen everywhere

Make your mark locally and globally. I’ll put your business on the map, so the right people find you.

Attract your ideal customer

I’ll create content that speaks to your ideal customer, helping boost your site’s traffic.

Convert interest into action

I’ll design your site to turn visitor interest into action; like subscribing, signing up, or making a purchase.

Customers talk.

Our new website knocks it out of the park! Within 30 days, Corey took our online visibility and sales to the next level. We even outpaced the progress we made in the previous six months. Corey exceeded our expectations.

Tim L.

Owner and operator, Burgertology

I struggled to successfully communicate my message online. Working with Corey has resulted in a website product and message that I feel is a true expression of why I do what I do. Corey was a true gift. I would recommend his services to anyone.

McKenzie H.

Founder, MJ Photography

Check out some of my work.

Wondering if digital marketing is right for your business?

If you find yourself nodding to any of these, we should talk:

Your online presence is meh.

You struggle attracting local customers and driving traffic?

Creating compelling content feels overwhelming.

You barely get any website leads?

My simple steps to online success.


I start by understanding your business and audience thoroughly.


Next, I’ll design a marketing strategy to attract your ideal customers.


I’ll optimize your online presence so potential customers can easily find you.


I use content to get you noticed and drive potential customers to your site.


Finally, I’ll create a user-friendly website that turns visitor interest into action.




One-time investment

Services :

Custom Web Design

Essential SEO

Content Creation

Social Media Marketing

Top Features :


Professional Business Web Design


Conversion-Optimized Copy


Third Party Integrations


Google Analytics

Most popular



Per month, billed monthly

Services :

Custom Web Design

Enhanced SEO

Content Creation

Social Media Marketing

Top Features :


All Standard Features


Competitive Keyword Research


Compelling Content Creation


Analytics & Reporting



Per month, billed monthly

Services :

Custom Web Design

Enhanced SEO

Content Creation

Social Media Marketing

Top Features :


All Pro Features


Email Marketing


Lead Generation & CRO


Analytics & Reporting

Are you ready to unlock your business’s online potential?

If you want to stand out online, drive more qualified visitors to your site, and convert more website leads, let me run your digital marketing efforts. I’ll help you grow your business and make more money online this year.

Freqeuntly asked questions.

How does digital marketing help me reach more customers?

Digital marketing opens up a world of possibilities for reaching new customers. Through social media, search engines, and other websites, you can target people who are most likely to be interested in what you offer, no matter where they are.

Digital marketing puts your business in front of people where they spend their time: online.

What's the cost vs. benefit of digital marketing?

The beauty of digital marketing is that it can be tailored to fit any budget, big or small. The key is to start with a solid strategy that targets your ideal customers effectively.

Over time, a good digital marketing strategy offers a higher return on investment compared to traditional marketing, because you can track every dollar spent and see directly how it converts into sales.

How do I stand out online in a crowded market?

To stand out online, first, identify what makes your business special. It could be your product, your approach, or your story.

Next, use that uniqueness as your main message. Share your story in a way that connects with people. Lastly, create engaging content that showcases what sets you apart. This blend will help you shine in a crowded market.

Is digital marketing expensive?

Digital marketing can fit any budget. The key is to start with what you can afford and focus on strategies with the highest return on investment (ROI). Over time, as your business grows, you can increase your digital marketing budget.

What is SEO ? And how does it help my business?

SEO, or search engine optimization, makes your website more visible on search engines like Google. When your site shows up higher in search results, more potential customers can find you. This leads to more traffic and, ideally, more sales.

Why does my small business need a website?

Having a website for your small business is like having a digital home where customers can visit any time. It helps people find you online, learn about what you offer, and get in touch easily.

A website makes your business look professional and trustworthy. It’s also a place where you can share your story, connect with customers around the clock, and stand out from competitors who might not be online.

What platforms should I focus on for the best engagement?

To pick the right platforms, first understand who your customers are and where they spend their time online. Younger audiences might be on Instagram or TikTok, while professionals could be on LinkedIn.

Your content type also matters; visuals do well on Instagram, professional content on LinkedIn. Essentially, match your audience and content type with the platform that best suits them for effective engagement

What kind of content should I be creating?

The best content for your business solves your audience’s problems or answers their questions. It could be blog posts, videos, infographics, or social media posts. What matters is that it’s relevant, interesting and useful to your audience.

How do I measure the success of my digital marketing efforts?

Success in digital marketing is all about tracking the right metrics. To do this, set up tools to monitor how well your campaigns are doing in real-time, from website traffic and social media engagement to conversion rates and sales.

The goal is to understand what’s working and what’s not, so you can quickly adjust your strategy accordingly. By focusing on data-driven results, you’ll ensure your digital marketing efforts lead to tangible growth for your business.

How often should I update my website?

Regular updates keep your website fresh for both visitors and search engines. Aim for at least once a month, whether it’s adding new content, updating your services, or refreshing the design.

How long does it take to see results from digital marketing?

Results from digital marketing don’t happen overnight. Typically, you might start seeing improvements in traffic and engagement within 3 to 6 months. SEO and content strategies especially take time to mature but are worth the wait for their long-term benefits.

Get in touch with me.

Not sure if digital marketing is right for you? Let’s chat and find a solution!